It is the age of digitalization when the information reaches us at a speed of light from multiple angles. We have choices generations before us never even dreamt of: we no longer have to leave our house to shop, the same day delivery is making our lives easier and the competition is fierce. However we still make trips to the shops, banks, restaurants, doctors’ offices and schools, it’s just how we receive the information once we’re there that has changed.
In the time when our attention span is significantly shorter and our lives are unquestionably busier, digital signage brings the benefits that supersede traditional advertising or static signs. If you haven’t gone digital in your business just yet, here are ten benefits of digital signage:
1. Attract customer attention.
Whether your potential customer just walked through the door or already standing in line, you can still up-sell! Bring their attention to the new products or services you offer, emphasize on the benefits or interesting features of your product/store/cafe/bank, show them how to use your product or what other people are saying about it. The capabilities are endless here and with the dynamic digital signage, it couldn’t be easier. Because we are no longer limited to a static image and text – bright colors, vibrant images, moving content play an important role in attracting customer attention.
2. Show special offers.
Digital signage creates a perfect opportunity to showcase your special offers, already taking place or coming up sales. Your customers may not be aware of the deal of the day or special menu available at a specific time, by showcasing this content on your digital signage you can bring awareness to customers attention and increase your chances of selling more. Think of it this way, when you’re in a coffee shop, what looks more appealing a static image of a sandwich or a sandwich with slowly melting cheese on a digital sign? We know which one makes us drool more.

3. Change ads and offers, depending on the time of the day.
Where traditional advertising methods lack flexibility, digital signage certainly wins. If you have a variety of promotions and special offers that are changing based on the time of the day, digital signage is a great solution. You may offer a free pastry with each cup of coffee from 7 am to 8 am, then a free basket of fries to amp up your sales after the lunchtime rush and another special offer in the evening – running around by swapping static signs doesn’t seem like a viable solution. That’s when digital signage and the capabilities it brings, come to play. It’s also easy to adapt and change content based on the season and your audience. At Mango Signs, one of the features we offer is a flexible schedule, which allows you to schedule different messages at different times of the day.
4. Cost-effective.
Digital signage offers a very cost-effective way to promote your business. You can broadcast different messages throughout the day and location. You can choose different images, videos and update your signage with new templates whenever you please, which is a very inexpensive and convenient thing to do. It’s also significantly cheaper than buying advertising on TV, magazines and newspapers or billboards.
5. Engage your customers.
By displaying an eye-catching content you are grabbing the so-sought-after customer attention and making it easier for yourself to get noticed. You can promote your products and services or get creative and promote a giveaway. You could even have a special in-store giveaway, i.e. a coffee shop could provide a free chocolate chip cookie for anyone who says at the checkout “You make the best coffee in the neighborhood”. They would only know about this if they saw your message on the digital signage so it’s a win-win situation – a compliment for you and a freebie for your customer.

6. Increase sales.
From attracting passers-by to up-selling the existing customers, digital signage is a powerful medium for generating more sales. By showcasing your products and offers you can entice your customers to purchase something they weren’t planning until they saw your promotional message. When you share a vibrant and enticing content it can increase the impulse buying, thus digital signage can also help you to influence customer buying decisions.
7. Reduce perceived waiting times.
Some will argue, there’s nothing worse than waiting in a line. No wonder why you may feel this way, research on consumer waiting has shown that, on average, people overestimate how long they’ve waited in a line by about 40 percent. So how can we reduce the inevitable time of waiting? Digital signage to the rescue! Attention-grabbing content displayed on screens can take your customers minds off waiting. And the capabilities are limitless because you can choose anything you like to be displayed on your digital signage. From bright colored adverts to special offers, fun content or giveaways – any of these will do the trick of reducing the perceived waiting times and making it a more interesting and memorable experience.
8. Create, test and frequently update your marketing campaigns.
Digital signage offers an incredibly flexible way of not just frequently updating, but also testing your marketing campaigns. If you notice that the campaign isn’t delivering as expected, you can quickly adjust the message or replace it with something different, which isn’t usually an option when you take out an ad in print on TV.
9. Increase brand recognition.
By delivering a consistent on-brand content you’ll help customers to remember you! Attract new customers and remind about your brand to existing ones by consistently using your brand logo, fonts, colors and styles in your communication
10. Attract passers-by.
80% of shoppers say they have entered a store because a digital sign caught their interest, imagine how much this could affect your business? Digital signage certainly beats traditional advertising tools, because it’s easier to attract attention with a vibrant, frequently changing and dynamic content than a static print. However, we aren’t saying that you need to get rid of all the traditional advertising, but you’ll see greater benefits by supplementing it with the digital signage.
At Mango Signs we make it easy for you to advertise your business. With our library of pre-made designer created templates, you will be able to get new content out to your signs quickly. You are free to use your own hardware or Smart TV, or you can purchase a pre-configured MangoSigns box that connects to your TV and WiFi or network. Whether you are looking to create menu boards, communicate with your employees, show your social media posts, feature local weather or news … It is all available with Mango Signs in a secure cloud-based platform.
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